Now the sheep's had really started to deliver! At the most I think we got 18 lambs during one day!!! We had a lot to do, just to keep track of who's whose and to help out with the births.
Two siblings taking a power nap in the straw. Doesn't it look nice?!
The whole big family is taking a nap in the shadow.

But this one is having trouble finding a perfect spot for resting on a slippery belly... after some failed attempts, his mother got tired ot the "massage" and walked away. The lambs are often grouping together, climbing and jumping up and down on the sheeps laying down. Not making them selfs very popular ;)
And while the mothers are feeding, the lambs get together exploring the environment. They are all gathered by the water supply. Obviously there is something very interesting over there today...

Video of the lambs playing.
Besides all the work with these newly born lambs, I also took the time to plow the fields and fixing the fences so they can let the animals out asap.
But the first thing I had to do on my arrival was to fulfill my commitment to Frida. And that was to follow through with an old Swedish tradition, usually performed by kids on Moundy Thursday.
This is how you do this: You dress yourself up as a colorful hag with a broom and a coffee pot. Write greeting cards and then you walk around the neighbourhood and knock on the doors, handing out your home made greeting cards wishing them a Happy Easter. In return you usually get candy, money or some other kind of gifts.
As I said, this is usually done by kids. So the neighbours back home looked a little surprised (but amused) when I, +25 showed up, dressed like this! lol =)
And in pictures, this is how we did it:
First, the participants arrived...
The making of the cards...
And this is the whole troup gathered, prior to take off!
Success! More candy in the coffee pot for the happy Easter girl!
Ooops, I lot my focus. Some really nice spring flowers caught my attention!
And I just have to add this sweet picture of the fastest biker in Småland! This lovely little girl is my friends daughter Winnie!
Hope you all had a lovely Easter!